About You

It can be hard to reach out
I remember what it was like when I first walked in to see a counsellor. I had so many mixed emotions around it, and yet, it turned out to be a real turning point for me. A pivotal moment.
If you’re considering reaching out, do it – and if you’re not ready to seek one to one help yet, you can read more in our articles below.
Domestic Abuse
Abuse is one of the most damaging things I believe anyone can go through. I let the perpetrator in, and he had a lot of tricks up his sleeve to win me over. The problems began once we were married. Their poison spreads to all parts of your body and mind, and what's...
Overcoming your self defeating behaviour
A self-defeating behaviour is any behaviour that normally ends up with a result that is something the person exhibiting the behaviour doesn't want to happen. If you are trying to accomplish some goal, and something you do makes it less likely that you will reach that...
Managing stress
What is Stress? Stress is a negative physical/nervous/emotional way that is a response to feeling in some way of being overwhelmed. Usually, it can be caused by things that are happening around you including things that are happening to you. How you respond to those...
Struggling with Depression?
What's happening for you right now? People struggle with many issues including guilt, rejection, loneliness, isolation, stress, depression, feelings of confusion, fear, lack of control in their life and sickness. You might be a survivor of abuse but are struggling...
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
Reach Out
0121 728 2395
Email: vicky@flourishpersonaldevelopment.co.uk